Starting our .NET Core WebAPI Journey – Step 2

If you read my ASP.NET Core WebAPI Journey - Step 1, we touched on the fact, we wanted to build our class library first as this will really do most if not all of the business logic. We’re going to create this in a .NET Standard library so we can start using this same library in both .NET Core or .NET framework class libraries in this and future guides going forward.

Our business class library will start off doing three things. 
·        Log generic topics into the database
·        Log emails to be sent
·        Send emails

Before the creation of the library itself, we need to model our database to store these values. This will be used for logging and our automated email queue.

Below is a high-level overview of all of the steps to create this library. You can follow along but all of the code is available to download at

Creating our Database

In this guide, we are going to use SQL Server. Why?  As a Microsoft developer, this is typically very familiar with you and also will allow us to transition to Azure easily, if we want, in the future.  I’m going to keep the naming of the work in this guide as “LunchandLearn” in the event you or I want to do this in the future.

You should be familiar with SQL Server but if not, Access Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
Right Click on Databases and select New Database…

Create Database:  LunchandLearn

We’re only going to create two basic tables in this guide.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[LogInformation](
[LogId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Product] [varchar](100) NULL,    -- Application its coming from
[Type] [varchar](50) NULL,        -- Informational / Error
[Class] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Method] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Message] [varchar](4000) NULL,
[Source] [varchar](4000) NULL


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AutomatedEmails](
[EmailId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ToAddress] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Name] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Subject] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Body] [varchar](4000) NULL,
[EmailSent] [bit] NULL


Once you are done creating the tables, you should be able to see them in your database.  See below the ones I created.

Before we’re done with the database, we must prepare and setup a unique user to access your database from our services.
Expand Security and select Login.  Right Click on Login and select New Login…

Create your user as shown Below
            Login Name:     lunchandlearn
Select SQL Server authentication
Password:         lunchandlearn123$       

Creating our .NET Standard Library

Now for the exciting section of building our .NET Standard library.  Before we dive into the code, I’m sure some people might be asking, Why .NET Standard?  I could have easily created a .NET Core Library since I’m creating a .NET Core WebAPI solution.  The reason I wanted to move to .NET Standard is because I can then use this code in either .NET Framework or .NET Core.  While I suspect I’ll be migrating more and more work to .NET Core, I have so many legacy libraries in .NET Framework I can’t immediately stop using all of it.  I keep strategizing, how am I going to move to .NET Core when all of my related class libraries are built on .NET Framework.  The goal in my mind is to recompile all of these class libraries into .NET Standard.  Then as each solution has all of its components upgraded to .NET Standard, the main solution, WebAPI, Website, etc. could then be migrated to .NET Core. 

If your new to .NET Standard, this is a very nice articles that talks about the differences.  It’s getting a little old but it’s still a good intro.  In addition to that, Microsoft’s documentation on .NET Standard is extremely good.  I really like the Grid that shows the supported frameworks per .NET Standard version.  In our solution, we’re going to be creating a .NET Standard Library on version 2.0.  This is compatible with .NET framework 4.6.1+ as well as .NET Core 2.0.  This may be important depending on the hardware or solution you are building.  For example, if you have a more legacy .NET framework app running on .NET 4.5, you can’t use a .NET Standard 2.0 Library. You would need to create a .NET Standard library using version 1.1

Let’s start creating the.NET Standard Solution.

Open Visual Studio 2017 (I’m on version 15.7.2).  In my examples below, I will be adding this project into our Windows IoT Background LunchandLearn solution.  You can create a new solution or add this within an existing solution.
Add -> New Project.  You can select .NET Standard and create your class as shown below.  I’m naming this project:

* Once your project is created, you can delete the “Class1.cs” class

Before we start coding we’re going to add in our references.  As we discussed in our Step 1 article, we highlighted that we would be using Entity Framework.  Let’s add that to our project.
Expand the project and right click on Dependencies and selecting Manage NuGet References. Browse for the Nuget package shown below.  As you can see on the dependencies, it is compatible with .NET Standard v2.0.  Click Install and then you may be prompted to add the Dependencies as well as to Accept the License agreement.

·        Nuget Package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer

Now that you installed Entity Framework, you might have been wondering Why am I using this or What is Entity Framework.  The main reason I’ve started to use Entity Framework is because it removes so much complexity of accessing the database.  It seems like over the years, one of the first things I do is write a data access class for my projects.  I was not wise enough to create a library for this. With entity framework, it takes that load off of me and I can concentrate more on the business logic of the solution. As is typical these days, Microsoft has done a very good job on their documentation. I recommend you read/browse these links below. In our example, we’ll create the Model classes that relate to our tables and then a database context which groups all of the models together.
I like to group the Models togethers so start by creating a Model’s folder
Right click on the project and select Add -> New Folder and name it Model.  Once that is done, add in two new classes which relate to our tables.
·        Add class -> LogInformation.cs
·        Add class -> AutomatedEmails.cs

Once these classes are created, you will want to create properties within each of them that represent the tables that we created earlier.  Below is a screen shot of our AutomatedEmails queuing table.  You can see how both of these classes are created within the Model folder.

Next, we’re going to create our database context classes. If you reviewed the documentation above, they show examples where I could have named these classes like ServiceContext or around the functionality I’m coding but I’ve always seen this as accessing my data layer. In the event I was accessing more than one database, then I would create more than one context. As we create these new classes, we will create interfaces for a future article on doing unit testing.  

Add class -> IDBContext.cs
Add class -> DBContext.cs

Below I have added in these classes and updated them with the models I’m references.  In addition to that, I have passed into the constructor some additional options. This will be used later to pass in the connection string. 

Now that our database context is created, we can start the process of creating our data access layer.  My current pattern is basically to create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations but it typically depends on the functions I need. Our initial data access class will be to log data operations. Since this information is logging, we’re not going to Update or Delete.  We’re only going to need Create and Read (one & many) methods.

Let’s start with the Interface:  Add -> New Item.  Add a new interface called ILogInformationDataAccess.cs

Below are the methods we’re going to start with:
        IList Get();
        LogInformation Get(int id);
        LogInformation Insert(LogInformation log);

Next add in the LogInformationDataAccess.cs class. Inherit the interface methods and implement the missing members.  Below is one way to do this using ReSharper.

Now add in the Information to Create and Read the logging information. In this example, we’re using dependency injection to inject the database context into the class so that it could be mocked later.  The examples below show the entire picture of getting the entire list of Logging, one log record or inserting a log record into the database.

The second data access class we want to create is our email data access.  In this class we want to perform our typical CRUD operations as well as just get a list of emails that have been sent or not sent. In your project, add in an interface class, IEmailDataAccess.cs, with the following methods:

        IList Get();
        IList Get(bool emailSent);
        AutomatedEmails Get(int id);
        AutomatedEmails Insert(AutomatedEmails email);
        bool Update(AutomatedEmails update);

Add the EmailDataAccess.cs class to your project with the required methods. 

Besides accessing the database, this library will send emails to people. Microsoft has some good documentation on sending emails.  There are also a lot of examples online. I will assume you are familiar with this as I will not be discussing how the SmtpClient libraries work in detail. In order to do this, we must configure certain settings like the SMTP Server, Port, authentication, etc.

Create the interface file for the settings we’ll be passing into the Email Sender class.
Add -> New Item…. IEmailConfiguration.cs class file.    We’re going to add the following configurations.

Now create the configurations class, Add -> Class…   EmailConfiguration.cs

Once the configuration classes are created, you can focus on the actual functionality to send the email. We’re going to create an EmailSender class which only has one method which sends emails.

Add -> New Item, select interface and name your interface IEmailSender.cs.  Add the following code to create the interface as shown below.

Once the interface is complete, create a new class called EmailSender and implement the members from the interface above.  You will want to inject into the class your email configuration class. In a future guide on unit testing, we may enhance this method for the SmtpClient to be injected as well.  Below is our code below.  

WOW, we’re done!  Everything should compile.  I didn’t think you would do everything but I wanted to show you the steps as if you would do it.  To Download the latest code, go to: This code will be the most recent so you may see some slight enhancements per future articles.

In our next article, we’ll create the .NET Core WebAPI Service.  Since this one was so big and long, lets break it into smaller components.

If I’ve helped you at all, don’t forget…. please send me feedback.  We’re all on this #LearnGrowShare journey together so if you see something that would help our journey together please speak up.  We’re only as good as our experiences so look forward to you helping to make me a better software Developer/Engineer.


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