Azure RedShirt Days in NYU

Wanted to document high level notes I was randomly taking from the Azure RedShirt Days. 

Watch it yourself online:


Microsoft Azure

Scott Guthrie

- Virtualization Can do VM, Inside VM - Creates Clone of a PC
- Docker Containers only use a component and not an entire PC

Has Path Management
- Both OnPrem & Off Prem
- Can Look at what is running on Servers too

DR automatically Built in.  Can full test it.  Harder to do OnPrem
- Have ability to do OnPrem but then use Azure for DR backup

- Ability to Monitor all Servers in One place
- Can use Azure on iPhone

42 Different Azure Regions around the world

Azure App Services
- Web Apps
- Mobile Apps
- Logic Apps
- API Apps

Azure Web Apps
- Automated Deployments
- Can Deploy through Github / gitClone
- git remote add {url}
- git push azure marker ??

- Can push to Azure
- Can Create new Azure Web App.

Azure Deployment Slots
- Ability to Have Dev, QA, Pro.
- Ability to change Variables
- Ability to quickly swap between environments

- Build tool here (Not Azure itself)
- Git Repos
- Free 4 Hours of Automated Builds

SQL Server 2017
- Windows
- Unix
- Docker

Azure SQL
- Built in Performance
- Automatic Implementation or view/review later
- Can enable threat detection
- Can restore to point in Time

-Multi Location/GeoLocation

Azure Containers

- App Functions
- App Services
- Only pay for use / not always on

Azure Generic Features
- Ability to create Multiple Dashboards, typically people only see one
- Azure Advisor - free and helps you to reduce your own costs

- Security Center
- JIT VM Access
- Role based Security

Monitor Alters
Monitor Network Watcher
Azure Cost management
Diagnose + Solve Problems


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