The Clean Coder

The Clean Coder

A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

I hope I don't get in trouble for posting my notes as I recommend all developers to read The Clean Coder book.  These are just some of MY personal highlights from the book.  I'm sure you will get a lot out of it reading it for yourself vs. my notes.  I wrote this up so I can read over this daily and keep focusing on what I enjoy about coding and enjoying my profession. 

Author:  Robert C Martin (Uncle Bob)


First Rule:  Do no harm

QA should find nothing

Test, Test, Test

Every Line of Code should be tested!

Design your solution to be easily tested

Best way is to Write Tests first – i.e. TDD (Test Driven Development)

Merciless refactoring:  Always check in a module cleaner than when you checked it out.

Why do most developers fear to make continuous changes to their code:  They are afraid to break it.  Why, they have no tests.

Work Ethic

Your Career is your responsibility

Woe to the Developer who entrusts his careerto his employer

Professionals take time to work on their profession.

You should work 60 Hrs. per week

  • 40 hrs for your employer
  • 20 hrs. for you!
    • You should be reading, practicing, learning, i.e. enhancing your career
    • Do things to reinforce your passion
    • Do things FUN!

Minimal List every software professional should know

Design Patterns: know all 24 patterns & working knowledge of them

Design Principles: kbow solid principles and good understanding of those components

Methods: XP, Scrum, lean, Kanban, waterfall, structured Analysis & Structured Design

Disciplines: TDD, Object-Oriented Design, Structured Programming, CI & Pair Programming

Artifacts: UML, DFD, decision tables, Flow Charts

Never Forget:

Continuous Learning

Practice!  i.e. Kata



Know your domain

Say “No”

Professionals speak the truth!

Have the courage to say no to managers

Professionals are expected to say No

What is Commitment?

You say you’ll do it

You mean it

You actually do it

False Delivery

Saying you are done and knowing you aren’t

Saying we are done enough and then moving on to the next task

Carefully partition the system into small understandable units that have little to do with each other as possible.

Collaboration is Critical!

Test Driven Development (TDD )

Three laws of TDD

  • You are not allowed to write and procedure code until you have written a failing unit test
  • You are not allowed to write more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail – and not compiling is failing
  • You are not allowed to write more production code that is sufficient to pass the currently failing unit test

When Developers lose the fear of cleaning, they Clean!

Clean code is easier to read, easier to extend.

The Coding DoJo

              Kata: choreographed keystrokes and mouse movements that simulates the solving of some programming problem.

Definition of DONE

              Professional developers: Done means DONE!

Unit Tests: Written by programmers

Acceptance Tests: Written by Business for business

Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)


              What did I do yesterday

              What am I going to do today

              What’s in my way

Priority Inversion:

You convince yourself that something else is more urgent and you do that instead.  This is called priority Inversion.

Professionals realize that “quick and dirty” is an oxymoron.  Dirty always means slow!

We can avoid pressure by keeping our systems, our code and our designs as clean as possible

Do not RUSH!

Pair when the heat is On, Pair programming will help.  Get done faster with fewer defects.


Know how to lead and coordinate multiple teams.  Proficient designers and architects ad can code around everyone else.

Maintain technical role by reading, studying, practicing, doing and teaching


Programmers are trained, competent and energetic


Time of intense pair programming

Learn patterns, disciplines, TDD, refactoring, etc..


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