RTS Verification Service
The hardest Part of working on your own is actually coming up with what to work on. Since I wanted to actually code tonight or review code, I copied my CampusMessenger Application and I'm building out the RTS Verification Service tonight. I got it done enough to Compile. Most of it is just gutting the CampusMessenger application down to the lines where it is doing the Calls to the RTS. Should be 2 more days of work at night. Maybe I'll finally win that QTRly award. Seems like the deployment team owns that.
If I have time, Tomorrow, I'll starting Posting my new Development Ideas online so I can quickly pull them up.
Also need to get some more personal stuff on my site. Don't want it to go too long before I start back on that. Especially with the Sharepoint 2007 class coming up soon. Darn, need to get the baby sitters going on that one.
See you soon.
If I have time, Tomorrow, I'll starting Posting my new Development Ideas online so I can quickly pull them up.
Also need to get some more personal stuff on my site. Don't want it to go too long before I start back on that. Especially with the Sharepoint 2007 class coming up soon. Darn, need to get the baby sitters going on that one.
See you soon.